Grampa Bill Index
Travel in the USA Index
First Days in SF
Street People
Going to Colorado
At My Sister's House
Going to Chicago/Michigan
East Lansing - 1
East Lansing - 2
Goodbye Michigan -
Hello Chicago & KC
February 14-17, 2012 (train to Chicago-Kansas
City, Life in KC)
Dear Students,
I am on the way back to San Francisco and then to China.
You are back in school now and
I will return to Jinan by February 26 and will have class starting on
the 27th & 28th.
I have asked you, my close friends and the student leaders
to share my emails with ALL our classmates. I did not stop working for
you during the winter holiday - I have put in lots of time on your education
so I hope you will pass these emails on to your classmates. We are ALL
teachers and learners at Shandong Sport University both in class and out
of class.
Mike Miller (my former director at Michigan State
University) comes to see me off on my trip back to China.
Wendy Lygas (my former landlady) seems very
happy to see me off she forwards mail for me. We have been good
friends for several years.
train has a snack car where you can buy quick meals, drinks, and snacks.
I am sitting in the snack car. Each train car has 3-4 very nice, clean
toilets with toilet paper, paper towels, and tissue to use. This must
be heaven on earth. |
This church reminds me of the one in
Jinan. We pass through farm land and wood lands, and small rural cities.
The trees are growing wild and not in order like trees in China. There
are wild turkeys, deer, hawks, foxes, and other animals as we crawl
along going to Chicago. I will share many other pictures when we have
our classes this semester. Be prepared with questions. |
I spent 3 hours in Chicago
waiting for the train to Kansas City. I put my bags in a locker and
go for a walk around the station block. There is the East River that
goes through the city, lots of tall buildings, and people all around
the station. I visit with many of them and tell them about China,
my job, and my dear students. |
Then it is back on the train to Kansas
City. We cross the great Mississippi River that divides the USA between
East and West. I meet a gold miner named Ralph. He is the same age
as me, smokes, and drinks alcohol. We drink a bottle of wine while
sitting in the observation car. We swap stories of a life time he
knows I am a character and I know he is a character. He was staying
with his daughter for a while until he over stayed his welcome. Now
he was heading West to Arizona to do some more gold mining. Good luck
Ralph I only drank a little with him because I was going to
stay with my friend Jeannine in Kansas City and I didnt want
to drink so much. |
Jeannie has a three story house that
has several spare bedrooms. I have known Jeannine since 1995. We both
do work on the WWW and have a lot of common interests. She has a 31
year old son who has studied artificial Intelligence and is still
not married. Jeannine collects books and has a house full of books,
movies, art works and all kinds of collectibles. She introduced me
to Laura Way many years ago and I designed a website for her. Laura
sells dollhouses and miniature collectibles. I still have her as a
client. We visit her store. |
Jeannine takes me to several book stores
and we buy some books, and I get a map to hang in my room. In Kansas
City I go to a company named H&R Block and a lady named Kathleen
helps me do my taxes for the USA government. Next summer her and her
granddaughter will travel to China so she snd I have a good visit
and we exchange email addresses. Maybe I will see her in China. |
The last evening in Kansas City Jeannine
and I eat BBQ ribs. KC is famous for bar-b-que ribs it certainly taste
good just like pigu. After this meal, I get on the train to
go to Los Angles and then San Francisco. |
Next issue maybe my last. I take a two
day train ride across the south part of the United States - Kansas,
southern Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, and finally to Los Angles and
the up the coast north to San Francisco. This is a very warm part
of America with lots of Hispanic people. |

typical American breakfast
More later,